Monday, October 1, 2007

NYC Public Schools on the Up and Up


So NYC just cashed in on the ED train in 2007.  Big money and big brains, or so it goes for the Big Apple these days in the elementary schools.  That's right, I'm talking about the Broad Prize, that hefty one million dollar award that ex-real estate mogul, Eli Broad, and his wife so generously pump into ameliorating urban public schools every year. It has finally been awarded to NYC!!!!  Good job Giuliani on making NYC safer for white people; the rich Manhattanites made their exodus onto 7th in Brooklyn safely, and now public education is soaring, that is after lowering the bench a little, too......... NYC's public schools are doing better!  The Broad Prize is an ostensible act of philanthropy  and is tantamount to Mr. Broad's chum, Bill Gates, and his generosity of pushing the envelope for smaller schools.  These two entrepreneurs should troubleshoot together for yet some more educational policy reform.  In fact they do!  They're pooling millions of dollars together to make their dream come true while simultaneously granting children's wishes for better proficiency in militaristic testing.  Let's gaze with wonder as these two venerating think-tanks work their magic of marginalizing the minds of youth, work towards privatizing the public schools, and flaunt millions of their hard earned tax cuts as they undermine the rest of us.  Oh yeah, they also got in touch with (paid) Kanye West to give a shout-out, it was as follows:  "Kids should go to school." ........... no seriously, he said that, what a fuckin' guy 'eh?

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