Saturday, March 10, 2007

Vermont to Impeach Cheney; Bush Will Follow

Here's an op-ed from the not-so-far left by Frank...

Tuesday March 6th, Vermont celebrated its annual Town Meeting Day in which communities from all over the state assembled to vote on current issues including town budget proposals, ballot holders, office seekers, education etc. etc......I would love more than anything to delve into public concern over state property taxes and education but, well, that is not what this blog is about.....sorry.  Instead, I will digress a bit and rant about a subject that has captured my attention completely and convey my opinions and concerns in a manner so blunt and obnoxious I'm sure it will only be a matter of time before hate-mail finds its way en route to my humble abode. 

Along with the many articles that arose on Town Meeting Day, one that tickled my fancy was the Bush/Cheney nonbinding impeachment measure.  This was brought up under "other business" and began a wide panel of debate and dispute throughout the state - not really; in fact thirty six towns voted in favor of the movement and only eleven put off a vote on it, a tally in East Montpelier looked a bit like this: 123-27, pro-impeachment! Clarendon, another Vermont town voted 19-17 to reject the impeachment measure- man that says a lot!  Of course there had to be a Devil's Advocate who's opposing stance to the idea had to have a stronger foothold and Enosburg (home to a many proud National Guardsmen) played just the part.  An outspoken denizen of the quaint VT village, located smugly north of the Queen City east of the great Champlain, stated " had nothing to do with town business......" in which afterwards he was shown much gratification from a local soldier who was wounded in battle and had his limbs sutured back on with rubber bands, he is now a covert operative working to undermine the terrorist cell COBRA - not really.   Vermont, I'm routing for ya! I really am..... as a state that highly influenced the election of Thomas Jefferson which resulted in rescuing a country from totalitarian tendencies (portrayed in the Sedition Act of 1797) and weighing in the heaviest out of all states, casting the largest percentage of votes for Mr. Abe Lincoln, I believe our voice counts in times like these - so let us be heard!

It is apparent that President George W. Bush and Vice President Cheney have been taking a major loss lately in the approval polls, but really, is it much of a surprise?  As ring leaders (or perhaps I should say jesters - I just can't decide) of  the current administration they have been fumbling their way through their terms.  Lately we have witnessed yet another portrayal of misdirected guidance in which brings me to another issue that ties into the latter.  I. Lewis Libby Jr. a.k.a. "Scooter", Cheney's former Chief of Staff has been found guilty of perjury and obstruction of justice.  Scoot you really dun it now!   You should've known lyin' and submitting false information would land you a year in the crowbar-hotel, oooops am I being a bit facetious here?  Probably not, I mean c'mon, do you really think he's gonna have to do all twenty five years?  And now there's a talk about a pardon!  Mr. Bush has no comment pertaining to all of this except for ".....I was sad, I was sad for a man who had worked in my administration, and particularly sad for his family."   Boo-fuckin-hoo, hey you appointed him my man.  In fact if you surf on over to Scooter you'll find a nice little cache of concerns and condolences backing a pardon for poor 'ol Scoot, including a fundraiser that the Times Argus reports it already has raised $4 million+  for the old man.  Scoot, why don't you help out Cheney with some of his hospital fees with that chunk of change?  Rumor has it the fat slob ain't eatin' so healthy these days and he's had enough heart attacks to rival a bevy of elderly war vets attending the screening of Saving Private Ryan.  Anyway, what's really going on here?  Scooter are you the "fall-guy"?  Can we put Cheney on trial yet?  And what about poor Valerie Wilson?  Well she'll be packing her bags and moving to New Mexico and then hopefully "Fair Game" will sell millions of copies, i mean it's got to - Warner Brothers just bought the movie rights.  I can't wait for the casting to begin, I just hope they dig up Dana Carvey to play Dubbya.

Well as they say, "time is of the essence", and it is about that time I tactfully wrap this up.  It is no wonder that approval ratings are down, it is no wonder that certain sentiments throughout the world are the way they are these days;  could it be because more disgruntled Iraqi refugees have migrated to our shores?  Probably not.  Since the Iraq War almost four million people have been displaced from their homes and two million have left the country.  An article in Time Magazine reports the U.S. taking in only 18 Iraqi refugees in 2005 and only 202 in 2006.......out of four million that no longer have a place called home since we initiated this fiasco.  Vermont, don't be afraid to voice your opinions in the manner you had on Town Meeting Day, I would say there is substantial reason to express such sentiments so let us express and be heard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

interesting read. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did anyone hear that some chinese hacker had hacked twitter yesterday again.