Monday, February 12, 2007

New Contributors!! See, it's not so hard...

Greetings From Down The Hall! 

Oh, hi there! My name is Tom, but around here they call me Tommy Dynamite! Actually no, they don't, but that would totally be my wrestling moniker. Anyway, here's the deal, i've had this idea in my head for a while that i've wanted to start a blog...Mike beat me to this idea. Now i'm certainly not going to copy my dear friend/roommate Mike here and start my own, so i figure I could just be a regular contributor. This is only if permisson is granted of course but i'm quite charming so how can he resist :) You'll have to cut me some slack here at first. My writing the past few years has mostly consisted of structureless lyrics and half-assed (yet A worthy!) community college papers. What you can expect is my take on the sports, music, politics, movies, tv shows, pop culture etc. Don't take anything too seriously though. I'll try and keep things rather lighthearted which is probably a good thing considering how uptight and pretentious movie reviewers can be (kidding Mike!). Talk soon! 

Thoughts by Tom.

Like most of the world I was deeply saddened to hear the news of the passing of Anna Nicole Smith. Not because of her death of course, but for the fact that the death of this dumb, vapid, and worthless faux celebrity has seemingly "captured the nation", as they say. Actually, I can't just get mad at America, there are a few other nations (i'm looking at you Britain) who are just as at fault. In fact, a German t.v. station reportedly spent over 500,000 dollars just for poorly shot footage, from about a mile away, of paramedics attempting to resuscitate this fat bitch. I guess i'm not suprised at all the attention this is getting but it's still frustrating to see this garbage get so much coverage, especially considering our country's current state of affairs. This is one of those things where I could just go on and on but then I suppose I would be just as guilty as those i'm ranting about. There really are more important matters to worry myself about anyway,  like who i'm gonna vote for 600 plus days from now.

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